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Persimmon milkshake

  • Servings: 2
  • Preparation time: 2 minutes.
  • Blending time: 2-3 minutes.
  • Total time: 5 minutes.

Toddler’s recipe:

The best season of fruits in Japan is winter when I had chance to see ‘persimmon’  on every fruit shop like Hanamasa, 7- eleven, family mart, Lawson, Pea-cock, aeon and many others. I was very excited and asked friends that what is big orange colour tomato like fruit as I never seen this in India before. I was very curious, how is the taste, how to eat, with or without skin. When I tasted the ‘persimmon’, really I found it wonderful, an amazing taste, much different than all popular fruits. Still the test is with me when I am writing this. 


  • Persimmon: 1 no.
  • Green cardamom: 4-5 no.
  • Sugar/honey: 1-2 tablespoon (as per your taste)
  • Milk: 300-350 ml
  • Ice cube: few


  1. Chop persimmon with skin, make cardamom powder. Keep aside.


  1. Take a grinding jar; put chopped persimmon along with 100 ml milk and sugar, grind it to medium speed till it become smooth.
  2. Add remaining milk, ice cubes and blend them on high speed, healthy persimmon milkshake is ready for everyone of the family.
  3. While serving in tumbler garnish with persimmon slices.
Persimmon milkshake
Chop persimmon with skin
put chopped persimmon along with 100 ml milk
grind it to medium speed
Adding honey
Persimmon milkshake
Persimmon milkshake
Persimmon milkshake
Persimmon milkshake
Persimmon milkshake

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Persimmon milkshake by Nag Ratna Sahu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.