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Phalahari Thali day 8

Fasting in Navratri days very common in north India, Navratri is celebrated in different ways across the country, in Gujarat it is celebrated with Garva dance, performed all nine nights. These days Garva is not limited to Gujarat only, more or less it is popular not all over India but all over world too.

Mahagauri is worshiped on the 8th day of Navratri. It is said to be Gauri has the power to fulfil all the desire of her devotees. Let’s come to Phalahari Thali day 8 and think of ‘Singhare ke aate ka Halwa’, ‘Phalahari Bhel’, ‘Carrot and almond soup’.

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  1. Singhare ke aate ka Halwa 
  2. Phalahari Bhel and
  3. Carrot and almond Soup
Phalahari Thali day 8
Phalahari Thali day 8
Phalahari Thali day 8
Phalahari Thali day 8

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Phalahari Thali day 8 by Nag Ratna Sahu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.